How Long Will Your Injectables Last?

Albert Einstein once famously said that time is an illusion, and thanks to dermal fillers, he’s never been more correct. Sure, the beloved physicist was talking about time in the context of physics, but his wisdom also applies to injectables, those gel-like treatments that your doctor can use to restore lost volume, smooth lines, soften creases, and enhance facial contours.
Thanks to these marvels of modern medicine, the toll time takes on your skin can be stopped in its tracks. wrinkles can be smoothed, lips plumped, and volume can be added to your cheeks–in a matter of minutes, without any surgery.

But of course nothing lasts forever–not even injectables. So touchups are necessary from time to time. Here’s a look at how long you can expect the fabulous results of your injectables to last:

Botox is popular because it works. But many people don’t realize that it may take a little bit of time before they fully realize all of the benefits from a Botox treatment. This is because it works by inhibiting nerve signals to the muscles in your face, which can take a while. That’s why the full results of your treatment might not appear for up to a week.

The good news is that Botox is incredibly effective in treating a variety issues, including those hard-to-ignore trouble areas around the eyes and on the forehead, and you can expect your injection to last about four months. The even better news is that, over time, you might notice that the results last longer and longer.

Your doctor will recommend this procedure if you’re losing volume around the face and neck. Juvederm can also help you achieve a healthy, youthful appearance by adding moisture to the skin.

There are five different Juvederm products your doctor can use to help meet your specific needs. Each treatment can last between six months to a full year.

Restylane is another of the popular injectables that can be used to add volume and fullness to the skin, correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles, and enhance the lips.

Most often, your doctor will use Restylane to help reduce the lines that often form from the nose to the corners of your mouth or to reduce the thinning of the upper lips. Like Juvederm, its results typically last from six months to a year.

Time-Tested Results, Fast Recovery
Time takes its toll on everyone, but thanks to injectables the wrinkles, creases, sunken cheeks, and lost volume in the lips can be reduced to nothing more than an illusion.

Once your doctor has determined which dermal filler is right for you, it only takes a matter of minutes for your doctor to address the trouble areas caused by the aging process. And recovery from each of the procedures is typically swift. Most patients only experience minor bruising and swelling, and they’re 100 percent recovered within a few days.

If you’re ready to regain your confidence and zest for life, contact us today and ask about injectables. You could be looking and feeling younger in a matter of minutes!
